Utility to do remote GUI ke Router Mikrotik. For windows.
winbox-2.2.16.exe (53 KByte)
winbox-2.2.18.exe (111.5 KByte)
winbox-3.RC6.exe (1.44 MByte)
The Dude
Utility to do network monitoring in an manner advance, also logging and make grafik. For windows
dude-3.6-mipsle.npk (8.84 MByte)
dude-3.6-ppc.npk (8.51 MByte)
dude-3.6-mipsbe.npk (8.92 MByte)
dude-3.6.npk (8.18 MByte)
Bandwidth Tester (Server/Client)
Utility to do testing magnitude throuput for teh Computer to a Router Mikrotik, either via cable or wireless network. For windows.
btest.exe (153 KByte)
Neighbour Viewer dan Mac Telnet
To see Mikrotik which directly connect by the Computer and to do telnet based on mac adddress (no need ip address) (130.38 KByte)
MT Syslog Daemon
is server log system, to received log massage for the Router
MT_Syslog.exe (232 KByte)
Trafr Sniffer
Trafik Sniffer stream reader for Linux
Utility to do remote GUI ke Router Mikrotik. For windows.
winbox-2.2.16.exe (53 KByte)
winbox-2.2.18.exe (111.5 KByte)
winbox-3.RC6.exe (1.44 MByte)
The Dude
Utility to do network monitoring in an manner advance, also logging and make grafik. For windows
dude-3.6-mipsle.npk (8.84 MByte)
dude-3.6-ppc.npk (8.51 MByte)
dude-3.6-mipsbe.npk (8.92 MByte)
dude-3.6.npk (8.18 MByte)
Bandwidth Tester (Server/Client)
Utility to do testing magnitude throuput for teh Computer to a Router Mikrotik, either via cable or wireless network. For windows.
btest.exe (153 KByte)
Neighbour Viewer dan Mac Telnet
To see Mikrotik which directly connect by the Computer and to do telnet based on mac adddress (no need ip address) (130.38 KByte)
MT Syslog Daemon
is server log system, to received log massage for the Router
MT_Syslog.exe (232 KByte)
Trafr Sniffer
Trafik Sniffer stream reader for Linux
trafr.tgz (2.57 KByte)
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