SystemTools Hyena 13.8.2 is an application for managing your computer system. This can be used to monitor drives, local groups, connections, services and more. It can easily gather all administrative tools as well as important system tools in one interface. The functions of this application include, as a file manager very similar to Windows Explorer but offers the possibility to edit object security options and to run a set of personalized tools, add links to other applications that cannot be accessed in the Hyena menu by creating special tools and functions to start or stop services and devices without accessing the Computer Management console.
Direct Link Download Crack or Patch SystemTools Hyena x64 :
Version : 13.8.2
Features :
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The simplicity of working with software
- Very strong environment
- Compatible with all Windows systems
- Manage Windows above NT or XP, 2000, 2003, etc.
- Add multiple domains, hundreds or thousands of servers,
- Includes Microsoft Output and Access Reporting options
- And any more
How To Install :
- Download and extract the file "SystemTools Hyena Full Keygen".
- Also extract the keygen file inside the folder.
- Install the program as usual.
- Run the keygen file by right clicking >> run as administrator.
- Change the name part freely.
- Open the program, then register with the data in the keygen.
- Done
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